About Us

The Centre

Nyingma Kathok Buddhist Centre was first set up in 1998 at Jalan Besar. It subsequently moved to Rangoon Road in 1999 and then to Guillemard Road in 2000. At the end of 2009, the Centre moved to its present premises at 9 Lorong 21 Geylang. Contact us …
The spiritual advisor to the Centre is His Holiness Lhoga Rinpoche, the 84th throne holder of Nyingma Kathok Monastary which is located at the western border of Sichuan Province. His Holiness is currently one of the main holders and transmitters of the Kathok lineage. More on HH Lhoga Rinpoche …

Kathok is one of the six nyingmapa’s (old school) tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. It is the oldest existing tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The other Nyingmapa’s traditions are Dorje Drak, Dzogchen, Mindroling, Palyul and Sechen. The main traditions of the new school are the Gelug, Kagyud and Sakya schools. More on Kathok Monastery …
The main objective of the Centre is to benefit all sentient beings by promoting Buddhism in general and the teachings as transmitted through the Nyingma Kathok in particular. The Centre and its activities provide opportunities for sentient beings to connect with the Buddha’s teachings. Over time, through the teachings, sentient beings can free themselves from the ocean of suffering of samsara, the incessant cycle of birth and death. See our Activities’ Schedule …
The Centre is run by volunteers only and all donations and proceeds from sale of items ( see our Store items … ) are used entirely for its operation and maintenance.
Our Resident Lamas

Our resident lamas are Chizong and Jigme. They have completed their religious studies at Kathok Monastery. They went sent by HH Lhoga Rinpoche to be the resident teachers of our Centre.
Prayer Service: You may request them to do prayers for your love ones who are ill or deceased, or invite them to do house blessing or office blessing.
Request for Mo: (Sorry, the lama has returned to China for the time being.) If you need a divination to be done, you could request Lama Chizong to do a Mo (a Tibetan method of divination). Lama Chizong in particular is known in his home village for being accurate in his Mo.
No Fees: The lamas do not charge for any services you may request of them but you could you offer them an ang pow (donation) as a gesture of appreciation or to gather merits. Please note that you are not obliged to offer anything in return for their services.
Extensive Prayer Service: There could be times when you are advised by a high lama that you need to do extensive prayers of a certain type. You could approach our lamas to arrange for such prayers to be done on your behalf by the monks at either Jungkhung Monastery or Kathok Monastery. For such prayers, you will be asked to foot the costs which would include the meals of the lamas doing the prayers, the offering items and etc.
The lamas can be contacted at +65 8218 6207. Medium of communication is Mandarin or Tibetan. You could also visit them at the Centre ( see our location … ).
The Centre relies on volunteers for its operations and maintenance. We do not have paid staff. Every little assistance you could provide is definitely appreciated.
If you are financially comfortable, do sponsor our regular pujas and Dharma Event pujas. See our Activities’ Schedule … If you have computer software skills, you could help us prepare event posters and maintain our website.
From time to time we need to translate Mandarin material into English and vice versa. If you have excellent knowledge of Mandarin and a good working knowledge of English, you could help us translate English material into Mandarin. If you have excellent knowledge of English and a good working knowledge of Mandarin, you can help us translate Mandarin material into English.
During the mid-year or year-end Dharma program, you could help man our administration and sales counters, do flower arrangements, watch over the light offerings, and etc., if you have those skills and abilities.
The Centre itself too needs to be regularly clean and maintain. Plumbing could fail, stoves could breakdown, and etc. If you are a handyman and could volunteer your services, that would be greatly appreciated.
If you have other skills or can provide services that the Centre needs let us know.
Drop us a line here and let us know if you could do volunteer work for the Centre.
May you be blessed by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions.