The Third Lineage Master Jampa Bum

Jampa Bum, the emanation of the Krishnacharin (Nagpo Chodpa) was the successor of Tsangton Dorje Gyamtsen (the second throne holder of Kathok Monastery). The lineage master Dampa Desheg Rinpoche once prophesized to Tsangton Dorje Gyamtsen that “Jampa Bum would uphold the doctrine by displaying a compassionate aspect to teach sentient beings. You teacher and student should both stay in this monastery, this will not only extend the duration of the Dharma but will also accomplish all activities.”
Jampa Bum who possessed the sublime qualities of a peaceful emanation, was born in the Earth Pig year of the third Tibetan sexagenary cycle in a place called Drida Zalmogang. He was born into a family of the Ngupa clan. In his infancy, Jampa Bum’s previous tendencies were awoken and he was able to recall effortlessly many events of his past lives. Without formal lessons, he mastered Tibetan reading and writing. In terms of the study of Dharma, his talents were clearly evident when he was able to absorb the teachings with ease and penetrate their meanings with deep familiarity.
Later, Jampa Bum took ordination under the second throne holder Tsangton Dorje Gyamtsen and received the full monastic vows from him. At 48, Jampa Bum received many new and old tantric teachings from Dampa Desheg Rinpoche. Besides this, he also studied with numerous teachers and partook of an ocean of sutric and tantric dharma teachings. In particular, Tsangton gave him all the liberating teachings, empowerments and pith instructions on the Kangyur & Tangyur, sutras & tantras, and the three classes of Sutra, Illusion and Mind of the old translation school without reservation, like pouring the full contents of one vase to another. This further perfected Jampa Bum’s accomplishments and qualities.
Jampa Bum was instated as the third throne holder of Kathok Monastery when he was only 26 years old. He received and accepted tens of thousands of disciples from U-Tsang, Kham, Amdo, Minyak, Yunnan, Gyalrong and so forth, many of whom took ordination.
Jampa Bum put much effort into propagating the Vinaya, Madhyamaka, Pramana and Abhidharma in terms of the sutric teachings. He also taught Cakrasamvara, Hevajra and Kalachakra and various tantras. However the main emphasis of his teachings was the older translations of the three classes of Sutra, Illusion and Mind. For the generation stage, it was the Maya (Illusion) Eight Sections of the mahayoga class of tantras Secret Essence Illusion Root Tantra and so forth. For the completion stage (Lung Anuyoga), Jampa Bum placed emphasis on the “Gathering Of Intent” of the Five Root Scriptures. For the Great Perfection (Atiyoga) which consisted of the Mind, Expanse and Foremost Instructions sections; the Mind section had the Nyingmapa’s (Old Translation) five tantras and the Sarmapa’s (New Translation) thirteen tantras while the Expanse section was based on the Tantra of the Vajra Bridge. The Foremost Instructions section was based on the secret intent of The Seventeen Tantras. Jampa Bum blended the teaching styles of Guru Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra and Vairotsana in one lineage which was transmitted via the teachers So, Zur and Nub to Dampa Desheg and became the singular fashion in which the Kathok lineage was taught and it is still very widespread in the present time.
After Jampa Bum’s fame bloomed, the Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi came on a pilgrimage to Kathok Monastery by the recommendation of Pomdragpa who was widely acknowledged as a great Bodhisattva. When Karma Pakshi arrived in view of the Kathok Monastery, he felt as if he had come to the Eastern Pureland of Abhirati (‘Joyous’) where everywhere was pervaded by the forms of Vajrasattva Buddhas, without even the slightest ordinary impure view. At this moment, Karma Pakshi’s steed also bowed and paid homage in the direction of the Kathok Monastery, leaving an imprint of his hoof on the rock beneath. Later this place was named Ta-Chyag-Dong (‘where the horse bowed’). One day, Karma Pakshi displayed a miracle. Using his robes as ‘wings’, he took off into the air and flew towards the mountain on the right where there was a forest and left his entire body-print on the face of a cliff. In the main hall of the Kathok Monastery, Karma Pakshi received the vows of full ordination from Jampa Bum as the main teacher with Sonam Bum as the Preceptor. Later, news of Hedapa (Karma Pakshi) taking ordination under Jampa Bum and Chenngawa Sonam Bum spread like wildfire. Gyalwa Longchenpa also commented, “Besides receiving the full ordination from the Kham Nyingmapa master, Kathok Monastery’s Jampa Bum, Karma Pakshi also received Dzogchen teachings and many other empowerments and secret instructions as an uncommon lineage. In particular, the secret lineage of the profound secret mudra of the Ram Riding Protector (Damchen Garwa Nagpo) was passed on to him.” Till the present, these teachings are preserved in the Rinchen Terdzod.
After the third throne-holder Jampa Bum installed his main disciple Sonam Bum on the throne, he entered the Dharmadhatu on the 14th day of the 10th month in the year of the water mouse. At that time, he was 74 years of age.
In this way, the first three throne-holders of Kathok are now residing in the pure land of Sukhavati as the Bodhisattva Treasury of Wisdom (Lodro Nyingpo), the Bodhisattva Precious Treasure (Norbu Nyingpo), and the Bodhisattva Moon Treasure (Dawa’i Nyingpo). Reaching the other shore after completing innumerous Bodhisattva practices, they receive the unmistaken prophecy that they will manifest in turn true enlightenment in the pureland called “An Eon Display Of Stars”, as Infinite Life Buddha, Intense Radiance Buddha and Lion Youth Buddha.