Terton Longsal Nyingpo -The Nirmanakaya Emanation Of All Buddhas

The famous Terton Longsal Nyingpo was born in the district of Dra-wa neighboring the sacred site of Kampo. In his childhood, he met the great accomplished master Tenpa Gyamtso received the ripening empowerments of the Kathok lineage and was given the Dharma name, “Wangdrag Gyamtso”. When Longsal Nyingpo was reaching seven years old, he began to study Tibetan and mastered it without much effort. Since his infancy, Longsal Nyingpo was endowed with a deep renunciation mind and evoked propensities of his past lives which included wisdom that encompassed all topics of the authentic Dharma.
When Longsal Nyingpo was 22, on his way to Kathok, he chanced upon Ga Cho-kyong Gyamtso who transmitted to him the teachings on Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen; later A-rdo Konchog Gyamtsen transmitted to him the uncommon secret mind transmission of Gongpa Zangthal (Transparent Wisdom Mind). In this way, Longsal Nyingpo received numerous pith instructions.
Then for many years, Longsal Nyingpo engaged in various austerities (dhutangas) comparable to Milarepas’ feats in the isolated mountain retreat of Cho-lung which was conducive for practice. He encountered the countless Three Root Peaceful and Wrathful deities who appeared in actuality and caused the host of protectors to accompany him like servants.
In places such as Dorje Throlo and Ri Pema, Longsal Nyingpo met the great Bhikshu Karma Dragpa and recognised him to be a great master of karmic affinity. Later, he received teachings from the The Great Terton Dundul Dorje in Puwo for three years, perfectly receiving the uncommon blessings of the four empowerments. According to many predictions in the various termas, Longsal Nyingpo was the combined emanation of two (translators Langdro and Ma Rinchen Chog) of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche for taming sentient beings. There was also a predicted list of many future termas awaiting discovery by Longsal Nyingpo.
Later, from the terma container in Mingyur Dorje (Unmoving Vajra) mountain, many of his termas such as the Longsal Dorje Nyingpo (Clear Expanse Of Vajra Essence) treasures and 17 other concealed secret scriptures, Buddha images, Stupas and various holy items were uncovered flawlessly. Due to the vast aspirations made in the past, the extensive activity to benefit beings naturally flourished and prospered.
In the Fire Snake year of the Sexagenarian cycle, Longsal Nyingpo acceded to the repeated requests of the Derge Chieftain and went to Kathok Monastery to renovate the ancient and dilapidated main prayer hall and made restorations to those ramshackle structures that were in need of repairs. In the main temple, he constructed two Guru Rinpoche statues that were said to have commented “Looks like me” and “Does not look like me”. Longsal Nyingpo gave empowerments, instructions and transmissions on the Dzogpa Chenpo Yangti (Extremely Secret Teachings Of The Great Completion) and the Longsal Dorje Nyingpo (Clear Expanse Of Vajra Essence) to some thousands of monastics.
When Longsal Nyingpo received the invitation of the Mongolian king, he proceeded to Mongolia to benefit beings of karmic affinity, accepting many important officials both human and non-human as his retinue and disciples. While seated on a throne constructed by the eight classes of beings, he enacted wrathful rituals to subjugate the negative demons and spirits of the three realms.
Longsal Nyingpo travelled to holy places of Dza-ka, Palyul, Keri, Tsopu, Upper and Lower Nyarong, Batang, Litang and other lower Kham areas. Wherever he went, he constructed retreat centers as an offering to the practitioners of that region and personally constructed statues of Guru Rinpoche. To the present time, these regions continue to have legacies of his lineage and activities in the form of many monasteries whose dharma lineage continue to proliferate throughout the ages.
The great master enjoyed 68 years of age and on the 23rd day of the monkey month of the water monkey year, with extraordinary portents, he proceeded to Guru Rinpoche’s pureland (Lotus Light Palace). His remaining body was cremated and left behind many clusters of relics which gave rise to much amazement in the witnesses. His entire life had been a huge force that propelled the Kathok lineage to thrive and this significant achievement is worthy of all descendants reminiscence and respect.
Adept of pacifying, increasing, magnetizing and wrathful activities like a Jeweled Wheel,
Presiding over the great land just as you wished,
Ascending to the precious throne of the king of fearless Dharma,
Subduing the minds of those who are arrogant and stubborn.