Prayer Flags

Prayer flags come in a set of five colours with sutric verses printed on each flag. The flags are strung together at the top. The colours have the following symbolization: white – centre, purity and virtue; yellow – south, kind and learned; red – west, thriving and firmness; green – north, suppleness and tranquility; blue – east, wisdom and courage.
Each of us has many karmic creditors, beings to whom we owe karmic debts incurred in past lives. They are not visible to our fleshy eyes but are there nevertheless. When the conditions are ripe, they can create various obstacles that will affect our career, family, relationships, health, study and our practice. By hanging prayer flags, these obstacles can be removed and adverse circumstances reversed. As winds blow over the prayer flags, they are blessed by the sutric verses and mantras. When the winds thus blessed contact with sentient beings such as our karmic creditors, the cause is created for them to be free from evil tendencies and to be reborn in a pureland. In short, hanging of prayers flags will benefit everyone.
Benefits of Prayer Flags
Sutras, sutric verses and mantras, all will have Dharma protectors around them. Thus, to evil spirits, the prayer flags will appear as a inpenetrable vajra-tent, thereby preventing them from creating harm. Other than past karma, prayer flags can temporarily reverse adverse circumstances. As sutras and mantras are the body, speech and mind of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, hanging prayer flags with respect and faith can purify our body and mind of sickness and interferences from curses and demons. It can help avert various natural disasters, and evade harm from robbers, demons and evil spirits. Our practices will be free from obstacles and our fortune, status and life-force will increase. Your descendants will flourish and without want. If the prayer flags are hung with the intention of not only to benefit self but also to benefit all other sentient beings, all Buddhas will rejoice and you will have the protection of Dharma protectors.