The Incomparable Kathok Incense - the King of Incense

This is a high-grade Tibetan incense produced in the traditional way based on a formulation of Kathok monastery, a place commonly described as the second Bodhigaya. The formulation is hundreds of years old. Whether in terms of fragrance, colour, richness and purity of ingredients, it is in a class of its own. Therefore, where Tibetan incense is concerned, Kathok incense is incomparable. In Tibet, it is called the King of Incense and is considered to be the best offering that one can give to the Triple Gems.
The benefits of offering incense:
The offering of incense signifies the keeping of pure vows. According to the Buddha, there are ten merits in the offering of incense:
- one will have pure sense of smell
- one will be free from bad body odour
- one will have a beautiful and fragrant body
- one will have an awe-inspiring appearance
- one will have the respect of all
- one will enjoy listening to the Buddha Dharma
- one will have a respected carefree personality
- one will have a good reputation
- one will be reborn as a deva (god)
- one will quickly attain buddhahood