Rigdzin Dundul Dorje - The Great Vidyadhara Mara-Destroying Vajra

Rigdzin Dundul Dorje, the king of hidden treasures who has already attained the ten bhumis of liberation, was born in the Ngul-phu village in the district of Si of Derge in West Kham, in the family of Phuro. From his infancy, he was free of the stains of worldliness, and possessed the refined characteristics of a noble being. He comprehended and mastered the studies of Tibetan literature, calligraphy and medicine without any difficulties. When he was six, his innate qualities were kindled and he enrolled in the Derge’s prestigious Pal Lhun-drub Teng college of Buddhist studies. He took ordination under Kunga Gyatso and was named Kun-ga So-nam Cho-phag He studied the major Sakyapa texts industriously in the college, gained deep knowledge of them, and was well respected and commended by his teachers and peers. One day, he left his footprint in a stone at the eastern door of the main temple as if it were made of clay. Those who witnessed it marveled at the occurrence and it was said to be an important place to visit for those who came to that mountain for pilgrimage. The footprint can be seen to this day.
Later on, in order to seek the meaning of the wisdom teachings, Dundul Dorje went to the Kathok Monastery to learn the Dharma like a thirsty person who craves for sweet spring water. At that time, the renowned Dzogchen yogi of Kathok Monastery, Kon-chog Seng-ge, was staying at Mug-sang Monastery, therefore, Dundul Dorje made his way there. From him, Dundul Dorje received many empowerments and pith instructions of the Dzogchen heart essence lineage, deepened his realization immensely and attained great wisdom. Later he proceeded to Kongpo (rear of Tibet) in the region of Niyang River, and studied with Nyangpo Tashi Tsetan, receiving many ripening empowerments and liberating teachings. In the area of Thragkar Lhachu, he practiced Chulen (a special practice of extracting the essence of flowers, herbs or medicinal stones to sustain one’s life) with hardship for many years. Later, he met Rigdzin Ja-tshon Nyingpo (a famous Terton) and received the entire terma lineage of this Terton. Dundul Dorje also received a prophecy that he will reveal termas himself in future.
At Puwo, Dundul Dorje did extensive practices of Ratna Lingpa’s (a terton of the South who was one of the eight Tertons of the eight directions prophesized by Guru Rinpoche) Unsurpassed Extremely Secret Vajrakilaya terma. Once, when he was in the state of clear light samadhi in his dream, many Dakas and Dakinis came with musical instruments, jeweled parasols and victory banners and other ornaments to invite him with great fanfare to Guru Rinpoche’s pureland – the Copper Colored Auspicious Mountain. While he was there, it felt as if he was staying in one of the 28 realms of heaven. Guru Rinpoche gave him a Dharma hat named Daki-Trinphung (Cloud banks of Dakinis) and gave him the title of a Vajra Acharya. His external appearance was that of a secret mantra Vajradhara. With ‘Common Collection of Excellent Practices of Secret Intent’ (Damcho Gongpa Yangdu) as the foremost of said Dundul’s termas which had been perfectly discovered from the beginning to the end, together with Longsal Nyingpo’s terma, they became main earth-termas that Kathok Monastery relied upon.
Later, upon the insistent request of Jampa Phuntsok (the master of Derge’s tribal headman), Dundul Dorje came to Derge and constructed a Dundul Monastery (named after himself), which was assigned for propitiating the protectors of Kathok lineage. Finally, Dundul Dorje settled down at Kathok Monastery where he received the devotees who had karmic connections with him.
In his life, Dundul Dorje travelled throughout West Kham, where he benefitted beings extensively by curing their illnesses and teaching the Dharma. His famous disciples include, Rigdzin Longsal Nyingpo, Namkha Jigme, Waka’s Tulku Chokyi Gyatso, Dzogchen Pema Rigdzin (the founder of Dzogchen Monastery), Tagja Kunzang Khyabdal Lhundrub, Drubchen Pema Norbu, Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab (Palyul’s founder). Many Vajra holders who were his disciples, in particular, his heir Gyalsey Norbu Yongdrag and Bazo Pema Wanggyal who was born in the Kham region, and other descendants, the Terton Longsal Nyingpo etc, propagated his lineage widely and it flourishes to this very day. The master Dundul Dorje enjoyed 58 years of life and entered parinirvana, changing realms for the Lotus Light palace in Guru Rinpoche’s pureland.